Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dessert Party!

At our January 27th meeting, the boys held a Patrol dessert competition. The patrol leaders did an excellent job planning weeks prior and executed very well, producing visually appealing AND tasty desserts! 10 Webelos representing four area Packs (433, 629, 633, and 673), joined us for the evening's events and got to judge the winning patrol (Goldfish!).

For the second half of the meeting, the boys did a couple of team challenges involving making a path using pieces of 2x4s. It was interesting to see how each team attempted to solve the challenge of getting all their members across the room using the two pieces they were allotted.

We ended the meeting with snack time to devour the desserts and chili that was prepared by the SPL and his ASPLs.

All in all, a fun and filling evening!


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