Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eagle Project Benefits Bellevue Botanical Gardens

Brian Helmholz's  Eagle project on October 16 2010, was to re-establish a native habitat to the outer reaches of the Lost Meadow trail at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens.  We, as a crew, planted a number of larger trees on the outer edges of the trail that will grow as time goes on to help isolate the gardens from the non natural world, and we planted several hundred low shrubs that will expand and multiply in the area to replenish natural life in the area.  

Thanks to the volunteers that attended, the project was a complete success and we managed to plant past the planned areas.

Newport Hills Community Benefits from Eagle Project

October 16, 2010. Jeffrey Pyke's Eagle Project workers cleared stumps and invasive plants at a trail head entrance in the Newport Hills Community, then planted native trees and shrubs and put down mulch.  The entire area was diversified and beautified and the community was very grateful for the scouts' hard work.  With over 20 helpers, the volunteers put forth a total of over 45 hours of community service.