Sunday, February 3, 2013

Visiting Cascade Mountain Men - an outing to remember!

On February 3rd, 2013 scouts from Troop 626 spent an exciting few hours at the Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club as guests of the Cascade Mountain Men and Bear Creek Mountain Men.  Scouts were instructed in the loading and firing of traditional black powder muzzle loading rifles.  

Scouts learned how to pour black powder into the barrel, insert a round lead ball (the bullet), push it down with a rod, and fire at various targets.  Some rifles had cap lock firing systems and others used flint lock systems.  There were flashes of fire out the barrels, plumes of smoke, and lots of noise.  One of the members of the Cascade Mountain Men, Steve Baima, allowed scouts and parents to fire his self-made replica of Davy Crockett’s rife.  

Our hosts had hot drinks for all and when the shooting was over served us hot chili dogs.  A great time was had by all.  A big thank you to our hosts for giving our scouts an outing to remember.