Monday, February 16, 2009

Scouts Sleep in Snow at Snoqualmie!

On February 14, 2009, the Troop traveled to the Snoqualmie Pass area for a three day snow camping expedition. 25 scouts, adults, and family members spent the long weekend preparing snow shelters and having fun in the winter conditions. The scouts paired up in teams to dig their own snow caves- their home for two nights. The minimal snow pack this year challenged everyone's engineering and construction skills - Traditional snow caves became hybrid cave/igloos when the scouts hit ground and had to "build out". The adults spent most of Saturday constructing a palatial, multi-roomed igloo and a cooking area that would make the Iron Chef envious.

On Day Two, some of our newer scouts arrived and got right into making their shelters and setting up tents. We had several day visitors on Sunday, including the 4-legged kind, who got in on the construction activities and also managed to take a few runs down the hill in the cargo sleds.

The last day's highlight, according to the scouts, was the demolition of their shelters (and the adults' igloo) by jumping on the now -frozen roofs.

Overall, we had a great time made possible by good weather, good friends, and great efforts by all of the scouts, adults, and family members (Emily) involved.

Posted by: Brian Delbrueck

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