Tuesday, December 15, 2009
We would like to thank EVERYONE for supporting our annual Christmas Tree Sale Fund Raiser!
Thank you to:
- The community and our customers
- Newport Hills Swim and Tennis Club
- Scouts and parents
- Mr. Larry Farmer for coordinating this huge undertaking
We look forward to next year!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Scouts Practice Pipe Plumbing!

Both Logan S. and Cory B. lead up this project by preparing the materials, organizing the meeting, and preparing and delivering a training session for the troop.
All of the boys learned how to measure, cut, flux, and solder copper plumbing pipe. They learned about elbows, tees, caps, and straight connectors. They learned how to safely fire up a torch while being prepared with leather gloves and goggles.

When they use this new skill in the future, they’ll remember that they learned this skill in their Boy Scout Troop 626.
Cory and Logan - Thanks!
Posted by: Jim Black, Scoutmaster

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Troop 626 would like to invite you to visit our tree lot and support our Troop

Tree lot opens 9:00 am, NOVEMBER 27, 2009
All of our Christmas trees are Grade A, grown in the beautiful Olympic Peninsula of Western Washington. We offer only premium quality Noble, Grand, and Douglas firs to grace your home and be the focal point of your holiday decor. Tree sizes are:
- Noble Fir 5’ to 10’
- Grand Fir 5’ to 6’
- Douglas Fir 5’ to 8’
We're located at: Newport Hills Swim and Tennis Club, 5464 119th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98006
Open hours: (Starting Nov 27 until we sell out)
Saturday - Sunday: 9 am – 8 pm
Monday - Friday: 5 pm – 8 pm
Bring your non-perishable food donations! We have on-site collection bins for HOPELINK
We hope to see you there!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Scouts hike to High Hut

Scouts in attendance include: Avery K, Sam R, Gabriel R, Elliot H, Chris F, Zachary D, Owen D, Jesse S, Lee G, John T, and Charlie H. Adult leaders were Mr. Kwik, Mr. Hastings, Mr. Dietz, and Mr. Farmer.
Upon arrival at the hut, a few scouts played in the snow, sledding and having snowball fights, while a the rest enjoyed the warmth of the hut. The rest of the evening was spent having dinner and playing various games in the hut.
On Sunday morning, we departed after breakfast and cabin cleanup, for the hike down hill. The boys shared the four sleds we brought and took turns riding downhill all the way to the cars. For some, this was the best part of the whole weekend!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rain camping "training"

- Got really wet
- Killed a lot of time looking for the "ideal" camp site
- And, got really wet
- Our stuff got really wet too
- Survived
- Ate junk food in Ellensburg
- Had a good time. The boys had at least as good a time.
- Found the good camping spots for future Troop outing.
- Learned some lessons...
- If it might rain, rain gear is a requirement. Real waterproof stuff. Not the nylon that will soak through.
- Bring plenty of big garbage bags to cover packs.
- When the rain comes, stop whatever you are doing and put your rain gear on. Even if you have to hold up the Troop to do it.
- Wet brush can get you more wet than rain. Use your rain gear.
- Wet legs (without rain gear) means wet feet and wet boots. The water runs down.
- Bring at least 2 pair of dry socks for a one-night trip.
- Pack clothes in ziplock bags.
- Pack a rain fly or dining canopy.
- Backpacking is fun, even if it rains.
Posted by: Mr. Cambron
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Webelos Advance on Troop Meeting
Our counselor staff included:
Athlete Badge: Peter D. and Evan M.
Citizen Badge: Riley H. and Daniel Y.
Fitness Badge: Brian H. and Will D.
Sportsman Badge: Jacob T. and John T.
Outdoorsman Badge: Calvin N. and Illian H.
Readyman Badge: Harrison K. and Lazare H.
Webelos Badge: Logan S.
Thanks to our counselor staff and to Packs 433, 633, 626, and 629 for joining us!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Scouts stride on spit!

It was a long 6+ hour hike, but the boys persevered and learned the meaning of persistence! When we returned, we settled at the Dungeness State Park campground for an overnight. The evening was filled with plenty of food, fun, and fire!
Adults participating were Mr. Dickson, Mr. Hadland, Mr. Kwik, Mr. Delbrueck, and Mr. Black. Also in attendance was Avery's new puppy dog Josie.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Scouts enjoy games and fire with Pack 633

Our Scouts led games after dinner and oversaw the campfire program; they even contributed a handful of skits!
In attendance were Evan M., Harrison K., Ricky A., Scott G., Daniel Y., and Cory B.
It was a fun time had by all!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Scouts do the J-stroke on Lake Washington

Six teams competed in the relay race that consisted of 5 legs around Mercer Island, covering a total distance of 13 miles. Scouts who participated were, Sam R., John T., Jacob T., Cory B., Harrison K., Ricky A., Gabe R., Chris F., David A., and Alex L. Mr. Thackray captained our spotter boat and Mr. Lodge was our official Coast Guard spotter.
It was a tough race, but everyone had a great time; especially at the AWESOME picnic hosted by Troop 457!
Monday, September 7, 2009
2009 Labor Day Bike Outing

Saturday was about 26 miles from Lake Sammamish State Park to Valley Camp in North Bend. Two flat tires and one broken bike didn't stop us. Thanks to Mrs. Reardon for accomplishing a bike swap. Scott's dairy freeze is a few blocks off the trail so we made a rest stop of it. We covered numerous trails including: Issaquah-Preston; Preston-Snoqualmie; Whitaker; Snoqualmie Ridge; and Snoqualmie Valley Trail (SVT). Riders Saturday: Sam R., Gabe R., Ricky A., John T., Mr. Thackray, Mr. Guy, Mr. Kwik and Mr. Funcke. At camp, Mrs. Thackray joined us and Mrs. Adams-Guy along with Bree G. and Conor A., delivered hot dinner to us.
Monday we had additional riders of Mrs. Gish and Rex O., Sam R., and Gabe R. rode all three days, for which they each received a prize! Also riding Monday were Max O., Mr. Guy and Mr. Funcke. We backtracked on SVT trail then diverted to Fall City and then connected back with our trails from Day 1 through Preston and back to Issaquah, for a total of about 21 miles.
Check out more pictures here
Posted by: Craig Funcke, ASM
Monday, August 10, 2009
NORTHERN TIER 2009: A Trip of a Lifetime

All six canoes set off for their adventure within 30 minutes of each other, and raced to the Canadian border crossing station.
The adventure was fantastic. Each group has a different story about the week, but there are some common threads. Everyone stroked, and stroked, and stroked....at least 50 miles for each crew! And everyone had an

It was the experience of a lifetime, one that no one will forget anytime soon.
Posted by Michael Lodge, ASM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Summer Camp at Meriwether

What a great summer camp! The camp is located on the Pacific ocean with 2.5 miles of beachfront property. The camp even has its own lake. Our troop was assigned to the “Lookout” campsite which has 7 adirondack shelters and is located on a bluff overlooking the ocean. It’s a prime site for sure. The theme for the week was “Accomplishment”. The guys completed a total of 115 merit badges during the week. In addition to keeping busy with Merit Badge classes and other advancement programs (for those below First Class), the Scouts took part in other fun activities ranging from blackpowder rifle shoot, shotgun, archery, climbing wall, canoeing to tomahawk throwing and candle making.
Checkout photos here
A few highlights from our week there:
- The camp held a triathlon between Troops. Our team consisting of Ricky A. and Cory B. (Runners), Jacob D. and Kevin H. (Swimmers), Jeffrey P. and Calvin N. (Canoers) came in third place!
- Thursday night was the sand castle and sculpture contest, and our Troop won first place with its creation: "Scout-eating Giant!"
- We also had a few scouts complete their Wilderness Survival merit badge which required them to sleep out overnight with just the clothes on their backs in shelters they had built - those brave scouts were Scott G., Max O., Calvin N., and David Y
- Mr. Young earned the Pioneer Award by participating in a list of Pioneering activities at camp
- Mr. Cambron and Mr. Young completed the Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat Certification
- Mr. Kwik, Mr. Cambron, and Mr. Young completed the Paddlecraft Safety Certification
- Mr. Cambron and Mr. Kwik completed the Water Rescue Certification
- Mr. Black and Sam R. (one of only three Scouts at camp) trained for and completed the Mile Swim
- Our Polar Bear swimmers braved 6:00 a.m. 53 degree ocean water to earn bragging rights and the Camp Meriwether Polar Bear Patch - They were Logan S., Lazare H., Illian H., Gabe R., and Ajay M.
- Cory B. received the "Boom Chicka Boom" award for shooting two disks in the air with a double-loaded shotgun.

- Our Troop signed up to serve as color guard for the closing flag ceremony on Friday. This is the most widely attended flag ceremony since many of the family members visit for the final dinner at camp. A color guard team of 10 scouts was put together and began training on Thursday and Friday. The team included: Caller = Logan S., American Flag = Gabriel R.+Zachary D.+John T. , Washington Flag = Illian H.+Lazare H.+Alex W., Oregon Flag = Charlie H.,+Sam R.+Owen D. The Scouts did an excellent job!
It was a successful week for sure. Thanks to all the parents who helped make this trip happen. Congratulations to all!
Posted by: Mr. Black and Mr. Kwik
Boy Scout Troop 626
Bellevue, Washington
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Two Scouts Receive Eagle Awards at Bellevue City Council

Bellevue Council member Conrad Lee congratulates Conor Adams and Byron Wu upon receiving their Boy Scout Eagle Medals at their Court of Honor on June 20th, 2009. Conor, 16, is a sophomore at Newport High School. He has earned both his bronze and gold palms since June. Byron, 18, is a freshman at the University of Washington studying Engineering.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Rising to Rattlesnake Ledge

The crew included Cory B, Harrison K, Elliot H,
Boy Scout Troop 626
Bellevue, Washington
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Camporee 2009 --- Awesome!

We arrived on Friday evening and set up camp at the "Grotto" campsites which was nicely tree covered and provided plenty of space

We began the Saturday morning with High Adventure activities

Meanwhile, the Scouts made an entry for the dessert competition consisting of cake, frosting, and Ritz crackers... Strange looking, yet oddly delicious!

The evening ended with the campfire program, followed by lights out. On Sunday morning, our Troop was packed up and headed home by 9:45 am... everyone satisfied with the fun and adventure we experienced over the weekend!
See more pics here!
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Local Scout racking up honors
Our own Rahul Brito, Eagle Scout, gets written up in the news. Read all about it!

Boyscout Troop 626 held an Eagle Court of Honor on March 21 for Rahul Brito, who collected over half a ton of school supplies for children in Iraq. His efforts included school drives, door-to-door collections and gathering donations from local businesses.
Local chapters of the American Legion and the Knights of Columbus helped cover the cost of mailing the 24 boxes of supplies, which were distributed to three schools in the city of Kirkuk.
Brito's military contacts have credited him with helping soldiers befriend the local people, reduce insurgent attacks, and save lives. They honored his efforts by sending him a U.S. flag that was flown over the Baghdad Embassy, along with a “Warrior” Appreciation Certificate.
Brito also received a commendation personally signed by the commander of the Thirteenth Coast Guard District, as well as a Citation for Meritorious Service presented by Judge Advocate Jim Broe of the American Legion.
Additionally, the Bellevue PTSA awarded Brito the Michael Riley Scholarship for $1,000.
The Newport High senior is a National Merti Scholar finalist, and plans to attend the University of Washington this fall. He was invited to join the university's Honors Program, and was also among a handful of incoming freshman offered direct admission to the BS BIOE program offered by the UW Department of Bioengineering.
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Monday, April 20, 2009
Troop 626 Advances to Ancient Lakes
Some of the guys scrambled up rocky hillsides and got a grand view of the valley below. Some of the older guys, Peter D., Cory B, Harrison K., and Logan S. taught the newer scouts in the troop how to use our lightweight backpacking stoves. Our 13 scouts even formed a bucket brigade to gather water from the lake to put out the fire before we left on Sunday morning.
The Ironman award goes to Bruce Y. for hiking in and out with a freshly broken little toe which he broke the Monday before the outing. It was a successful weekend for sure. We’ll definitely be back.
Posted by Jim Black, Scoutmaster
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Newport Hills Swim and Tennis Club Service Project

Afterwards, a group of us went to Herfy's for a well deserved refreshment!
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Scouts Cruise to Camp Sealth
During this one night outing, we stayed in the Wrangler compound that included Parson's Lodge and five heated sleeping cabins. We occupied three cabins (Hoss, Hopsing, and Cartwright) with our 24

The weather that day was rain with intermittent clearings, but at a reasonable temperature. So, the boys still did a lot of outdoor activities. The New Scouts worked on a range of requirements, from orienteering to fire making. But the outing was not all work and no play... the boys went on a beach walk, played capture the flag in the rain, tag in the dark, and an assortment of card and board games.

We closed the night with a camp fire and smores while David A. and William D. took turns serenading the group to guitar music... And, a final round of hot chocolate!
Scouts in attendance: Ajay M., Ashwin M., Daniel Y., Harrison K., Zachary D., Owen D., Charlie H., William D., Peter D., David A., Cory B., Jacob T., and John T.
In all, a fun and productive weekend for our New Scouts.
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Troop Participates in Scouting for Food

Troop 626 Honors Four Eagle Scouts

- Rahul Brito
- Winston Chen
- Erik Larson
- Eric Bergen
The keynote speech was given by Colonel Debra M. Lewis, a commander with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Engineering + Creativity = Troop Activity!

Once all the shelters were built, each patrol had to present their shelter to a panel of judges (parents who were actual engineers!) It was quite interesting to see how each patrol interpreted and solved for each of the task requirements.
Overall, a fun and educational experience for all!

Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Scouts Study Self-Defense
the ever-present shouts of "get back" by the kids, as they followed the instruction to warn off potential attackers and get up their courage.
It was clear during the question and answer session at the end of the meeting that the boys were impressed in what they learned in only one hour, and have an appreciation of the dangers and excitement involved in law enforcement.
Posted by: Mike Lodge, ASM
Boy Scout Troop 626, Bellevue, Washington
Monday, February 16, 2009
Scouts Sleep in Snow at Snoqualmie!

The last day's highlight, according to the scouts, was the

Overall, we had a great time made possible by good weather, good friends, and great efforts by all of the scouts, adults, and family members (Emily) involved.
Posted by: Brian Delbrueck