Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Potluck Court of Honor

On Tuesday February 14th, 2012, we had our Court of Honor. This one was special, a Potluck. We had lots of food and fun.

Daniel Young was the MC of the Ceremony.

We discussed our already passed and upcoming events.
Scouts received their ranks and merit badges.

Click Here to see more pictures.

Igor Banin


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Arrow of Light Ceremony

On Sunday, February 5th 2012 we held an Arrow of Light Ceremony at Newport Way Library. Five boys from Pack 633, Den 2 joined our Troop.

Alex W, Max O, John T, Cory M, Dmytro B and I helped out with the ceremony.

Logan S on behalf of the Scoutmaster read a Welcome message.

The New Scouts were then given their badges. They crossed the set-up bridge in front of them, to symbolize the transferring from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.

We then ate cake, it was delicious.

Igor Banin
