- Got really wet
- Killed a lot of time looking for the "ideal" camp site
- And, got really wet
- Our stuff got really wet too
- Survived
- Ate junk food in Ellensburg
- Had a good time. The boys had at least as good a time.
- Found the good camping spots for future Troop outing.
- Learned some lessons...
- If it might rain, rain gear is a requirement. Real waterproof stuff. Not the nylon that will soak through.
- Bring plenty of big garbage bags to cover packs.
- When the rain comes, stop whatever you are doing and put your rain gear on. Even if you have to hold up the Troop to do it.
- Wet brush can get you more wet than rain. Use your rain gear.
- Wet legs (without rain gear) means wet feet and wet boots. The water runs down.
- Bring at least 2 pair of dry socks for a one-night trip.
- Pack clothes in ziplock bags.
- Pack a rain fly or dining canopy.
- Backpacking is fun, even if it rains.
Posted by: Mr. Cambron