Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mystery Solved!!

May 22-23, 2010

The bright sun of central Washington shed light on the location of this year’s Troop 626 Mystery Camp – Ancient Lakes.

Ancient Lakes is nestled in a tributary of the main Columbia River gorge. Stark and beautiful with sheer rock walls as much as 400 feet above the canyon floor, Ancient Lakes is a desert oasis of remote solitude. It’s a world apart from the nearby farming community of Quincy, WA.

12 Scouts and 6 adults started the journey, and all 18 returned safely. Scouts included: Avery K, Ryan C, Evan M, Diego A, John M, Neil S, Charlie H, Scott G, Igor B, Dmytro B, Cory B, and Brian H.

The hike began on the rim above Dusty Lake. Covering 5.2 miles into and across the canyon floor proved to be more challenging than most had expected. Gear was transferred, feet were sore, and water, it was discovered, is a precious commodity. Traversing the rock-fall along the banks of Dusty Lake was slow and careful, but the awesome scenery and the promise of camp to come kept us moving. We took time to orient ourselves with maps and compasses along the way, took breaks, and arrived at camp by mid afternoon.

With camp setup complete, we settled into the business of dinner preparations. A small fire was built with gathered wood. Just right for roasting hot dogs. After dinner, and with the long hike behind us, bedtime came early. Moon shadows and the sound of a nearby waterfall keeping us company through the night.

The hike out of Ancient Lakes was an uneventful, and for this now experienced crew, easy 1.5 miles. Scout comments to Scoutmaster Mr. Black included learning the value of proper packing, conserving water, and the buddy system.

Overall a really great outing!

Enjoy the video and pictures from that trip here.

Posted by: Mr. Cambron

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Camporee 2010 - Super windy but fun!

On April 30-May 1, 2010 our Troop attended the Cascade District Camporee at Ensign Ranch, near Cle Elum.

Stay tuned for stories from that outing. But, in the meantime, checkout the photos here.